James Duffy


// By Updated:

This page documents significant changes to the design and structure of this site. It does not include content updates, but rather changes to the theme and other major modifications. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.

# December 30, 2023

  • Created new 2024 theme
  • Minor content updates to fit into new site structure

# August 10, 2021

  • Fix broken links

# December 6, 2020

  • Redesign site around Hugo again
  • Make significant content updates pretty much everywhere

# November 3, 2019

  • Migrate content to Django based website and stop using hugo

# August 28, 2019

  • Fixed design of mobile page select navigation

# August 27, 2019

  • Design refresh of fonts, .cards and body background -color
  • Moved journal entries to posts
  • Changed post URL structure to /:title/

# August 22, 2019

  • Added Indieweb microformats to journal and global h-card

# July 29, 2019

# March 15, 2019

  • Fix title on pages to include page title and not just site name
  • Made journal page more concise with groupings by year
  • Table of Contents now floats to the right when on a tablet or desktop

# March 14, 2019

  • Design tweaks of Table of Contents

# March 12, 2019

  • Moved back to using Hugo from Ghost
  • Rewrote theme without the use of a framework (other than normalize.css)

# March 23rd, 2018

  • Updated theme:
    • Easier to read fonts
    • Better Table of Contents and Sub-Page lists

# January 9th, 2018

  • Convert from custom python site generator to Hugo
  • Added Ham Radio navigation link
  • Added link in footer for changelog
  • Added link in footer to Flickr profile
  • Update Ham Radio page
  • Update base font size from 18px to 16px
  • Removed photography navigation link

# September 4th, 2017

  • Added changelog
  • Renamed writings to journal
  • Added social links in footer